Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
_JR_DI.ZIP | Yes | 305362 | 11/23/1993 | Jr_Disk 1.0 monitors all drives and resources. It gives you the most important values of your system and the choice for monitoring six different drives with a pop-up warning screen. All information can be found in the ICON including resources, free memory, free drive-space, minimum drive-space and a clock. It runs under Win 3.1 and Win NT in a network or as a stand-alone program. (Juergen Rosenow) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
CPUUSE.ZIP | Yes | 7237 | 2/16/1991 | CPU Usage Meter 1.2 shows how much of your CPU's power is being used at any one time. This is a good analysis tool. (James Seidman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DISKFRE.ZIP | Yes | 18493 | 10/25/1990 | Diskfree 1.1 displays the space statistics for all hard disks found on your system. The display is updated at 1 second intervals, during which the space current available is compared to the space available at the last update. If the space has increased or decreased, then a '+' or '-' is appended on the display line. (Paul Beda) (Reg.Fee: $0-$10) |
DISKICON.ZIP | Yes | 14018 | 8/22/1993 | Disk Space Icon 1.2 displays an icon that indicates the amount of free space left on a disk. (Larry Leonard) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DISKST.ZIP | Yes | 18369 | 10/12/1991 | DiskStat displays a graph and numbers showing free disk space on your hard disk volumes, including removable media, but not network drives. The display can be manually canceled or it will remove itself after a set period of time, making it a good one to run during start-up. (Harry JF Wykes) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DISKSTAT.ZIP | Yes | 40384 | 8/23/1993 | Disk Status 2.6 provides a graphical display of disk usage. Requires VBRUN300. (End-User Computing) |
DLL_MGR.ZIP | Yes | 44077 | 9/23/1992 | DLL*Manager 2.0 displays a list of DLLs that are in memory and optionally lets you remove one or more. If you have frequent memory/resource shortage problems or use apps which are known not to remove their DLL's from memory when done, this utility will be helpful. (Mike Woodhouse) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DSIZ_DO.ZIP | Yes | 28130 | 7/9/1991 | DSize 1.0 displays amount of free space on drives C: and up, listing all directories and the amount of space they use. This is useful when you need to make room on your hard disk and need to know where the most space is being eaten up. TPW source code is included. (Doug Overmeyer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DSMETER.ZIP | Yes | 20975 | 1/9/1992 | Disk Space Meter is a disk usage meter that uses a gas gauge-like display. You can set the interval at which the statistics are updated from 1 to 99 seconds. VBRUN100 is required. (Brett Glass) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
DSW050.ZIP | Yes | 60446 | 6/4/1993 | DiskSpace 0.5 graphically displays the amount of free space available on your hard disks. (Bob Hayes) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
DTTFW.ZIP | Yes | 43040 | 7/24/1992 | DisplayTest 1.5 provides essential information about the display driver in use by Windows. The driver's filename and technology version are shown, along with the screen resolution and number of colors supported. It can also show a list of all modules loaded in Windows, along with their size, date, time, and path. (Playroom Software) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FENFREE.ZIP | Yes | 3774 | 7/31/1993 | fenFree is a tiny system resource display. (FenderMation) |
FILGAGE.ZIP | Yes | 13369 | 9/10/1991 | FileGage 1.0 provides a continuous watch on the number of free file handles. It displays a graphic lightbar on its icon, as well as the actual number of file handles free vs. the total number available. (Neil J. Rubenking) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FRES.ZIP | Yes | 14906 | 8/11/1992 | Fres 1.52 displays the time, date, Windows modes, free memory, and free resources in a small window. C source code is included. (Jamie O'Connell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GRASP.ZIP | Yes | 66859 | 11/23/1993 | GRAphical SPace Viewer 2.0a displays a bar graph that represents disk space usage. (Silverware Computers, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
LOADMON.ZIP | Yes | 12222 | 11/1/1991 | LoadMon graphically shows the load on your CPU and memory in an icon. (Edward Hutchins) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MEM_PRO.ZIP | Yes | 20870 | 5/30/1992 | Memory Pro 1.0 shows free memory, the number of tasks running, and percentage of free resources on a small display bar. It also displays the largest contiguous block of heap space, Windows version, Windows Mode, CPU type, presence of numeric co-processor, keyboard type, and number of function keys. Background and foreground colors can be customized. VBRUN is required. (Crito P. Philippatos) (Reg.Fee: $9) |
MEMWIN.ZIP | Yes | 21774 | 3/8/1991 | Mem 1.21 displays the amount of memory free, the largest block of memory free, and the amount of disk space free. It can sound an alarm when free memory drops below a specified level. (David A. Feinleib) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
ODOMETER.ZIP | Yes | 61056 | 7/27/1993 | Micro-OdoMeter has an odometer type of display that shows system, GDI and user resources, memory, and disk space available on drives C: and D:. (Fred Freel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RESGAUG.ZIP | Yes | 17436 | 3/11/1992 | Resource Gauge 1.1 lets you monitor your percentage of free system resources. An alarm warns you if resources fall below a specified level. C source code is included. (Richard Franklin Albury) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RESMON.ZIP | Yes | 9095 | 6/24/1993 | Quick 'n Easy Resource Monitor 1.0 displays a very small window with a gauge showing a percentage of system resources used. Requires VBRUN300. (James D. Tyminski) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
RIPSPA.ZIP | Yes | 84480 | 7/26/1993 | RipSpace 1.6 analyzes drive/directory usage. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SHOWGRP.ZIP | Yes | 375163 | 10/12/1993 | Show Groups 1.2 produces visual, hard-copy and/or archive access to the information contained in your WIN31 GRP files. Information can be printed or saved to a disk file. Includes VBRUN300. (TecLogic, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
SLEUTH.ZIP | Yes | 12553 | 1/25/1994 | Sleuth is a murder-mystery adventure game. As you begin a game of SLEUTH a murder has just been committed. Your job is to mingle with the houseguests and to search the contents of the house until you feel you have solved the crime. Every game of SLEUTH is different so you must fully explore the house each time that you play. (Eric Miller) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SPACEMB.ZIP | Yes | 19091 | 1/8/1993 | Space 1.01 monitors the space available on all fixed disk drives. It will list every drive (including network drives that are "mapped" onto other drives) and display individual and total free space. (Mike Berro) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SUNRES.ZIP | Yes | 13024 | 7/23/1991 | SunRes 1.0 provides a simple graphic display of your free system resources. (Matt Welch) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SUPR_RM.ZIP | Yes | 38324 | 8/25/1992 | Super Resource Monitor 1.2 provides a graphic display of usage of primary resources for the main Windows subsystems, GDI, User, and the currently active task. It can also provide periodic compaction of global memory. (SoftBlox Incorporated) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SYSGRPH.ZIP | Yes | 15928 | 12/24/1990 | Sysgraph 3.0 displays the load in the Windows system queue as a graph in an icon at the bottom of the screen. Additional system load is shown by dips in the graph. (Bill and Hasselbeck, Jim Crow) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SYSINFO.ZIP | Yes | 25381 | 1/25/1994 | System Info displays a wide variety of Windows system information. It also demonstrates playing WAV files with a sound card or speaker driver. Requires VBRUN300. (Ward Mundy) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SYSRES.ZIP | Yes | 17760 | 11/19/1993 | Sysres 2.5 measures memory usage and CPU usage in a graphical and text format. The graph is scalable to any size, and lets you know how heavy the system is being taxed at a glance. VBRUN100 is required. (EB-Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
VBMEM.ZIP | Yes | 7288 | 11/18/1991 | VBMem 1.2 displays Windows operating mode, presence of a math coprocessor and the amount of free memory available. The displayed memory updates as it changes in the system. When minimized, the caption displays free memory available. (Charles K. Snider) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VBSYS.ZIP | Yes | 47044 | 9/21/1993 | VBSysBar 2.11 monitors and displays free space on hard drives, free system resources, tasks, memory, and time/date. Requires VBRUN300 and WIN31. (Michael Krane) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
WFDS.ZIP | Yes | 97647 | 6/14/1993 | Free Disk Space 3.21 monitors and displays in numeric or graphical form the amount of free disk space on all (or specified) hard drives. (Mark Hamilton) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINALY.ZIP | Yes | 122178 | 6/23/1993 | WinAlyzer helps clean cluttered Windows directory. (Puffin Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
WINAPPS.ZIP | Yes | 7965 | 9/3/1992 | Winapps lists all active EXE's, DLL's, drivers, and fonts that are loaded. Information includes path, file size, and date/time. (Workgroup Systems) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINDIR.ZIP | Yes | 26789 | 1/25/1994 | WinDir is a simple, but intelligent, directory and file viewing utility. It displays the current directory, but you can easily move to other directories. If you press Enter, it invokes your specified file viewer (eg: LIST) to view the file unless the file is an archive, in which case it invokes the proper archiving utility to list the contents. You can also view (LIST) files that are inside an archive. WinDir takes full advantage of 4DOS, including its ability to place multiple DOS commands on a single line, and awareness of the 4DOS description feature. Mouse support is included. (Gil Yoder) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15-$20) |
WINFO.ZIP | Yes | 10720 | 7/2/1991 | Winfo 1.0f displays a wealth of information about your Windows system configuration. The video information it provides is extremely detailed. (David Hughes) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINFOR.ZIP | Yes | 121507 | 12/19/1993 | Winformation 1.0 is a diagnostic report generator for Windows. It will list information which includes your computer's processor and co-processor type, Windows and DOS versions, a list of programs in the Windows directory, printer connections and capabilities, memory specs, DPMI values, DOS environment information, and system specs. (Bhavdeep Singh) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINGDI.ZIP | Yes | 19350 | 12/20/1993 | WinGDI 1.2 continuously shows the status of the complete GDI heap. (Russell E. Holcomb) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINHOG.ZIP | Yes | 15944 | 8/22/1993 | WinHog 2.0 provides a colorful graphic pie chart depicting the relative size of the directories on a disk. Requires VBRUN200.DLL. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
WINRES.ZIP | Yes | 4525 | 12/20/1993 | Windows Resource Monitor monitors your Windows resources and warns you when they are at "Low Levels" and "Critical Levels". It also displays your current Windows resources as an icon. Requires VBRUN300. (Adam Carter) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINSOCK.ZIP | Yes | 165371 | 4/11/1993 | WindSock SRM 3.20 is a detailed resource monitor for Window 3.0/3.1. Five types of resources are displayed: System Memory, GDI heap, User heap, Menu heap, and String heap. The small display window shows the percentage used and the actual amount remaining to the system. An optional window displays a graph of your usage of system resources over the last 300 samples. Alarms can be set to alert you when resources are becoming depleted. (Technical Pixies) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
YARMAC.ZIP | Yes | 19229 | 12/21/1993 | Yet Another Resource Monitor and Clock is a small utility that displays in a corner of the screen the current date, time and free system resources. The display conveniently moves to another corner if you mouse touches it. (Dietmar Haffner) (Reg.Fee: $0) |